Stupid Object Borrowers

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Stupid Object Borrowers (SOBs) is a little reward for Stupid Object scientists who have been very good. Basically, you get to use a Stupid Objects for personal purposes rather than scientific ones! Yippee!

You might be thinking, "Isn't it irresponsible to take a Stupid Objects out of containment and use it when we don't know the full extent of its effects?" To which I say: Who fucking cares!!


Researchers must submit a little application that says they wanna borrow an stupid object for a specified reason. And then it gets reviewed and approved (or not!) That's all there is to it!

As of [DATE], researchers may only have one active "borrow request" at a time, but it can be multiple objects as long as it gets approved. SOMEONE kept borrowing objects, losing them, and then requesting to borrow more objects before they found the object they lost, so this is how we deal with that now

Borrowers' Log

Borrower name Object borrowed Stated purpose Outcome What happened
[REDACTED] Gun That Hurts For 5 Seconds or An Hour Bored Approved, returned OWWWWWW
[REDACTED] Lookmade Looking to pass a new law Declined: "We don't own Lookmade" Request denied. Note that nothing is stopping [REDACTED] from flying or driving over to Lookmade and attempting to pass the law themselves