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A screenshot of Insaniquarium's Virtual Tank
SOC-008 as seen in the Virtual Tank

At least one SOC researcher is to be part of the Fish Emporium forum moderation team at all times to monitor for posts made in regards to SOC-008. Any mention of this Object is to be immediately removed from the forum and class 10 amnestics administered to relevant users.

Molar is a gulper eel pet from the Popcap game Insaniquarium Deluxe. Its earliest mention was in 2005 by user Amp_Alert98 on the Fish Emporium forums dedicated to the game. Unlike most pets, the prerequisites for obtaining Molar are unknown, as most reports state it as simply "appearing" at random. Neither dataminers nor Stupid Object scientists have been able to find it in the files of the game or determine what causes its appearance.

While there is little documentation on the behavior of this Object, witnesses have described it eating guppies and spitting up bones that can be collected for in-game money. At least one account claims that it makes "strange groaning noises" as long as it is in the tank, but this is so far unverifiable.

As of now, Molar only seems to appear to users of the Fish Emporium forums. It is unknown if this is purely coincidence or if the forum itself is tied to SOC-008 and its appearances.

Consider it Mild.

Molar spitting up rib-like bones
SOC-008 spitting up bones after eating a guppy