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I Hate Pod-Pod
photograph of a hallway that may contain a pea pod creature
An image purported to contain SOC-006-A

I Hate Pod-Pod is a Discord chat server with ██ members at time of writing. It is currently under observation by █ Stupid Object Goons posing as normal members.

Stupid Object Research Personnel overseeing this operation aren't quite sure what to make of it.

The invite link is shared publicly, but to gain access to the active channels a prospective member must first pass an interview involving picking correctly from a collection of seemingly mundane photographs.

Members are in consensus that certain images depict an entity henceforth referred to as SOC-006-A.

All known SOC-006-A images have been comprehensively analyzed with no indication of any anomalous data, yet members of SOC-006 consistently describe a creature that resembles a pea pod with legs standing in a particular part of the image.

Besides images, numerous text messages describe encounters with SOC-006-A in a generally negative manner, commonly referring to it as "Pod-Pod" or "that little green cunt".

Stupid Object Research Personnel are starting to think this might all be one big joke.

Consider it Dubious.